Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Cheiko Touching up
Originally uploaded by todd.burbo.
I was warned this week that my Flickr Pro account was expiring, and realized that I registered that account (and started this blog) the day before I left for Tokyo last April. That depressed me a bit, because of course I miss Tokyo tremendously.

So as a melancholy anniversary celebration, I've uploaded a handful of pics from the trip that, for some reason, I didn't see fit to share before. They're fairly mundane, and probably won't mean much to anyone outside of Louis, Ashley and me.

This one of Cheiko is the exception- I actually think it's gorgeous. Don't know why I never uploaded it before. But please, check out the rest and enjoy.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


This morning: bored, hungover, lazy. Decided to watch Cloverfield, which was akin to tasering myself, volunteering for a waterboarding demonstration, or trying to find my soul mate in Wrigley Field.

I had eaten breakfast, and was starting to feel better when I put the movie on, but it's amazing what an hour of shaky cameras and non-stop screaming can do for your health.

I repeat: Do not watch Cloverfield hungover.

Actually, don't see it at all. There's one cool scene where a girl explodes, and that's it.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I was accused of misogyny the other day. Again. Maybe it's time to embrace it.

Domestic Abuse No Longer A Problem, Say Bruised Female Researchers

Friday, April 11, 2008

Obama's a dick.

I've always been more of a Craig Kilborn guy, but Jon Stewart won some points here:

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Wake Up and Go Berserk

Originally uploaded by todd.burbo.
It's been a glorious, glorious weekend. There is no greater holiday than that first warm Spring weekend, when you have a new bike to ride and the 75,000 beautiful girls in your neighborhood come out of hiding. Like cicadas, but not terrifying.

Hopefully I'll get to see Wilbur, the uber-friendly neighborhood cat, soon, because I don't need a Groundhog- Wilbur tells me when it's Summer.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

In the build-up to today's Champions League clash between Liverpool and Arsenal, BBC News wrote a lovely little essay about how incredible Fernando Torres is. I think you'll all agree.