Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ah, Fox.

This entry was originally for my gaming blog, but I decided that it's more about the faux journalism than gaming. Also, it just inspires too much anger for one blog to contain. Enjoy.

Arghhh, Fox News really gave me the screws this week, when they simultaneously attacked my hobby of gaming and my love for journalism with one tidy little package.

Watch their expert openly laugh when her "facts" are challenged, and she is asked if she's played the game in question, a.k.a., done any research at all.

Watch their mediator quickly change the subject when the correspondent from Spike TV points out their factual errors.

Watch the panel of experts at the end, who conveniently all share the same opinion and openly joke about their complete lack of knowledge.

Shit, I have a headache.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

More pro-Clinton propaganda.

Rodham-Clinton 2008

Yeah, I'm an outcast here in Chicago. It's not that I dislike Obama. I actually think he's incredible. He'll make a great President eight years from now. Or perhaps a great Vice President this year. Cuz man, I'm sticking with the Clintons.