To my great relief, I am officially down to one job. About 35-40 hours a week. A normal schedule that feels like another vacation, considering the 60+ hour weeks I've become accustomed to.
I am so happy with my newly freed time, in fact, that I spent most of this weekend drafting a cover letter for my next 2nd job. I've learned my lesson though-- from now on I'm only applying for dream jobs. I almost landed one once; only school thwarted me. And Lord knows I don't have
that to get in my way at the moment.
So after many hours hunched in the lounge at Alliance, I have a pretty dope cover letter together. Just the right mix of bravado, flattery, and brilliance. You know, like everything I write.
The only problem is, the position I'm applying for doesn't exist, and the company in question probably doesn't have the budget to create it. The goal of my cover letter isn't to sell myself. It's to convince this company to rethink their entire public image, hire me, and allow me to handle the change.
It's a pretty audacious goal, but when you only apply for dream jobs, that's the way it's gotta be. Besides, I wrote like 3 drafts of that letter. And I never rewrite.
I'm a shoo-in. Get it?